Mr. Subhash Koroth, founder of Artocarpus Foods, is an Engineer-turned- Entrepreneur who decided to make the modest jackfruit an internationally aspirational fruit; giving the fruit a recognition beyond its modest identity.

Mr.Subhash identified this as an entrepreneurial opportunity to make this neglected fruit, an aspirational food for vegans and non-vegans alike. This made him start the first jackfruit processing company in India, which has triggered a new business sector for processed food products in the country, as well as advocating sustainable ‘green’ entrepreneurship.

In year 2014, Mr Subhash established Artocarpus Foods in Kinfra Industrial Park, Kannur, Kerala, to cater to the core needs of Jackfruit value additions. The enterprise has implemented waste management processes to maximize optimum value creation from this magic fruit which is purely organic and rich in nutrients valued by both vegan and non-vegan consumers world-wide. After peeling, washing and processing of the pulp for creating highly value added nutritious products of jackfruit; the fruit waste is subject to Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) for generating biogas for our boilers. The residue of this process is rich manure that is given back to the farmers for fertilizing their farming land and grow jackfruit to continuously replace the fruit that is being consumed, thereby completing the ecological cycle for the food ecosystem and making this company a zero waste company.

  • Hailed as a “miracle” fruit and loaded with nutrition, eating just 10 or 12 bulbs of this fruit is so filling and offers so much energy, it tastes like pulled pork and serves as a meat substitute.
  • As a food, jackfruit is extremely versatile, used to make jam, juice and ice cream; dried and ground to make curry and stir fry; and for vegetarians as a meat substitute.

  • Besides high amounts of protein, jackfruit also provides lots of fibre, vitamins C and A, potassium, calcium and iron, which relates to disease prevention and even removal of the heavy metal cadmium

  • Jackfruit has four other important functions as a crop, as it’s used to feed farm animals; the bark makes an orange dye; the tree produces a glue-like substance, and the gigantic trees provide lumber

Jackfruit products